The Centrifuge Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants are destined for the galvanizing of all those small products that after being immersed in the galvanizing kettle need to be centrifuged in order to eliminate the excess of zinc (for example nuts, bolts, washers, tie rods, etc.).
These plants are designed according to different factors:
» Type of materials to be galvanized
» Required productivity
» Degree of automation
» Available areas
» Budget
On the basis of these factors, SIRIO together with the customer choose the best type of layout and management system (manual, semi-automatic or automatic).
There is also a possibility to add to existing plants some machines that allow the galvanizing and the subsequent operation of centrifuging. In this way the Customer can galvanize the general jobbing and also the small items by using the same pretreatment tanks and the same galvanizing furnace.
Support in all the phases of the project
SIRIO, thanks to the experience gained in this field, provides to the customer the necessary support in all phases of the project:
»Feasibility study and investment evaluation
»Detailed design and engineering
»Erection or assistance to erection
»Training of Customer operators
Engineering, construction and erection:
- Turnkey Plants
- Galvanizing Furnace with flat flame burners or high velocity burners
- Electrical Furnace
- Ceramic Furnace
- Dryers
- Heat Recovery Systems
- Pretreatment Tanks
- Antacids Rotating Barrels
- Heat Exchangers
- Tunnels Enclosures to contain pretreatment tanks
- Enclosures on the Furnace
- Suction and Neutralization Units for Acid Fumes
- Suction and Filtering Units for Galvanizing Fumes
- Hardware and Software for Supervision and/or Complete Automation
- Regeneration Units for Fluxing Solutions
- Acid Pumping and Storage Units
- Acid Treatment Units
- Centrifuges
- Automatic Robot and Manipulators
- Handling Systems and Special Hoists
- Auxiliary Equipment